Key Documents on multinational disposal
The files downloadable here are primarily papers and reports authored by Arius members. Additional key documents from international bodies are also included.
2016 Publications
2015 Publications
2013 Publications
2011-2012 Publications
2010 Publications
2009 Publications
2008 Publications
2007 Publications
2006 Publications
2005 Publications
2004 Publications
2003 Publications
2002 Publications
2016 Publications
IAEA (2016). Framework and Challenges for Initiating Multinational Cooperation for the Development of a Radioactive Waste Repository. Nuclear Energy Series No. NW-T-1.5. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna
PDF 869 kb
McCombie, C. and Chapman, N. Multinational Geological Disposal Facilities. In. ‘Challenging Issues in Deep Geologic Disposal of Nuclear Wastes: 5th Worldwide Review’, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. (2016).
PDF 326 kb
McCombie, C, Chapman, N. and Verhoef, E. (2016). From Taboo to Necessity. Nuclear Engineering International, Feature, May 16th 2016.
PDF 150 kb
2015 Publications back to top
McCombie C., Chapman N.A, Regional Cooperation on Spent Fuel Management Status and Prospects in Europe, Arab Regions and Asia, IAEA Spent Fuel Conference (2015).
PDF 447 kb
Arius submission to the South Australia Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
PDF 913 kb
Chapman N., McCombie N., Kickmaier W. and Scourse E., Developing a Spent Fuel Management Strategy for a Newcomer Nuclear Power Country, IAEA Spent Fuel Conference (2015).
PDF 201 kb
2013 Publications back to top
McCombie C. (principal author), IAEA NE Report: Options for Management of SNF and Radioactive Waste for Countries Developing Nuclear Programme, NW-T-1.24, (2013).>
Chapman, N.A., McCombie, C.M. and Verhoef, E. (2013) Towards a European Regional Repository. Proceedings 15th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, ICEM2013, Brussels. Paper ICEM2013-96105.
PDF 57 kb
McCombie C., Chapman N.A., Kickmaier W. and Scourse E.M. (2013). Planning an integrated waste management strategy for new nuclear nations. IHLRWM International High Level Radioactive Waste Management. 28 April-2 May 2013. Albuquerque USA.
2011-2012 Publications back to top
ASAN Meeting Seoul, June 2011: A presentation was given - "Spent fuel challenges facing small and new nuclear programmes"
ICEM Conference, Reims, September 2011: Presentations were given based on the two papers, "New nuclear programmes must not neglect waste management", and "Implications of Co-existing National and Multinational Repository Development Programmes in Europe"
IFNEC Working Group, Vienna, October, 2011: An invited presentation was given "Liability and financing issues with respect to regional storage / disposal"
Moname Workshop, New York, October 2011: A presentation was given entitled "Multinational and Regional Initiatives for the Back-End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle"
MENA Workshop, Abu Dhabi, April 2012: numerous Arius presentations at the workshop
INPRO Meeting Vienna, August 2012: A presentation on "Multinational Cooperation in Radioactive Waste Management: - from sharing knowledge to sharing facilities"
2nd MENA Workshop, Tunisia, November 2012: numerous Arius presentations at the workshop
AAAS Workshop Hanoi, Vietnam, November 2012: Presentation on "Prospects and challenges for regional and international spent fuel storage and disposal
The IAEA Tecdoc 1658 on "The viability of sharing facilities for the disposal of spent fuel and nuclear waste", to which Charles McCombie was a main contributor, has now been published and new report for emerging nuclear countries, "NE Report: Options for Management of SNF and Radioactive Waste for Countries Developing Nuclear Programme" has been written by him for the IAEA. Finally, he is currently finalising a further IAEA report on "Institutional considerations in the development of a multinational repository". For each of those activities part-financing was received from the IAEA.
A paper on "Progress with Multinational Disposal Initiatives" has been accepted for the IHLRWM Conference in Albuquerque in April 2013.
2010 Publications back to top
McCombie C. and Isaacs T., The key role of the back-end in the nuclear fuel cycle, Dædalus, Winter 2010, American Academy of Arts & Sciences
McCombie C., Spent fuel challenges facing small and new nuclear programmes, IAEA Conference on Management of Spent Fuel, Vienna, June 2010
Chapman N.A., McCombie C., Verhoef E, Multinational initiatives for long-term spent fuel management, IAEA Conference on Management of Spent Fuel, Vienna, June 2010
Verhoef E, McCombie C, Chapman N.A., Radioactive Waste: Show Time?, ENC Conference Barcelona, June 2010
Verbal reports on the project have also been given in Oxford to the World Nuclear University, in London to the Nuclear Energy International Seminar on geological disposal, in Sicily to the World Federation of Scientists and in Chicago to a Working Group on the AAAS project on the Future of Nuclear Power.
2009 Publications back to top
Publications 2009
McCombie C., Chapman N., Isaacs T., An Environmental Policy Imperative: Addressing Security Concerns at the Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Radwaste Solutions, July/August 2009
McCombie C. and Chapman N., A Nuclear Renaissance without Disposal? Radwaste Solutions, July/August 2009
McCombie C., Responsible Expansion of Nuclear Power Requires Global Cooperation on Spent-Fuel Management, Innovations volume 4 | issue 4 | fall 2009, MIT Press
McCombie C., Evaluating solutions to the nuclear waste problem, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Web Edition, WEB LINK, 2009
Verhoef E., McCombie C., Chapman N., Shared, Regional Repositories: Developing a Practical Implementation Strategy, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, ICEM2009, October 11-15, 2009, Liverpool, UK
McCombie C., Chapman N., Isaacs T., Global Developments in Multinational Initiatives at the Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, ICEM2009, October 11-15, 2009, Liverpool, UK
Evaluating solutions to the nuclear waste problem, Charles McCombie published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
PDF 472 kb
Deja vu - all over again! Charles McCombie, published in Nuclear Business, issue 18 March 2009, page 39
PDF 12 kb
A Nuclear Renaissance without Disposal? Charles McCombie and Neil Chapman, published in Radwaste Solutions, July/August 2009 (also as paper ICEM 2008)
PDF 195 kb
An Environmental Policy Imperative Charles McCombie, Neil Chapman, Tom Isaacs, published in Radwaste Solutions, July/August 2009 (also as paper ICEM 2008)
PDF 161 kb
Conference papers 2009 back to top
Global Developments in Multinational Initiatives at the Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Charles McCombie, Neil Chapman, Tom Isaacs, ICEM 2009, October 11-15, 2009, Liverpool, UK
PDF 56 kb
Shared, regional repositories: developing a practical implementation strategy, Ewoud Verhoef, Charless McCombie, Neil Chapman, ICEM 2009, October 11-15, 2009, Liverpool, UK
PDF 257 kb
2008 Publications back to top
Publications 2008
Siting a Multinational Repository, published in Nuclear Engineering International, May 2008.
PDF 1,145 kb
Conference Papers 2008
Birds of a Feather ... Developments towards shared, regional geological disposal in the EU? Hans Codée, Ewoud Verhoef, Charles McCombie, WM2008 Conference Phoenix, AZ, February 2008.
PDF 97 kb
Security Concerns at the Back-end of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Charles McCombie, Neil Chapman and Tom Isaacs, IHLRWM
Conference, Las Vegas, September 2008.
PDF 193 kb
A Nuclear Renaissance Without Disposal ?, Charles McCombie and Neil Chapman, IHLRWM Conference, Las Vegas, September 2008.
PDF 233 kb
2007 Publications back to top
Publications 2007
Nuclear Renaissance and Waste Management, published in "Spent Fuel" of November 23, 2007 Vol 14, No. 684.
PDF 76 kb
Conference Papers 2007
Is Now the Time for Regional Repositories? Neil Chapman and Charles McCombie, Arius Association, IBC Conference, London, June 2007.
PDF 56 kb
GNEP and other Multinational Options for Spent Fuel Management, Charles McCombie, Arius Association, INMM Conference, Tucson, USA, July 2007.
PDF 52 kb
European Concepts for Shared Storage and Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Wastes? Ewoud Verhoef, Hans Codée, COVRA, Charles McCombie, Arius and Vladan Stefula, DECOM, Slovakia, ICEM07 Bruges September 2-6, 2007.
PDF 79 kb
The Crucial Importance of the Back-End in Multinational Initiatives to Enhance Fuel Cycle Security, Charles McCombie, Neil Chapman, Arius Association, Thomas H. Isaacs, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, ICEM07 Bruges September 2-6, 2007.
PDF 67 kb
Multinational Cooperation in Geological Disposal: Sharing of Concepts, Results, Research Projects and Facilities, Charles McCombie, Arius Association, REPOSAFE 2007, Braunschweig, Germany November 6-9, 2007.
PDF 46 kb
2006 Publications back to top
Publications 2006
Does Dual Ownership of Waste Imply a Regional Disposal Approach? Irena Mele, ARAO, Slovenia, WM'06 Conference, February 26-March 2 2006, Tucson Arizona
PDF 122 kb
A cleaner, safer world – how can Australia help, Charles McCombie, Australia's Paydirt, March 2006, Uranium Preview
PDF 11 kb
Zu den politischen und rechtlichen Bedingungen der Errichtung eines internationalen Lagers für hochradioaktive Abfälle, Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Christina Boutellier and Charles McCombie, 3, 2006
PDF 187 kb
Multinational repositories: ethical, legal and political/public aspects, International Journal of Nuclear Law, Christina Boutellier, Charles McCombie and Irena Mele, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2006
PDF 143 kb
Nuclear Power, Nuclear Waste and Geological Disposal, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Charles McCombie in Press
PDF 47 kb
Management of High-Level RW, Charles McCombie Environmental Safety, Russia, 3 2006
PDF 4,703 kb
Conference Papers 2006
Do It Together ... Or Wait, Hans D.K. Codée, COVRA N.V.,
Netherlands, WM'06 Conference, February 26-March 2 2006, Tucson Arizona
PDF 1,314 kb
Progress with Multinational Repository Concepts, Charles McCombie and Neil Chapman, Arius, Switzerland, Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation Conference, Berkeley, USA, April 27-28 April 2006
PDF 66 kb
Multinational and Regional Disposal Initiatives: Nearing a Turning Point, Charles McCombie and Neil Chapman, IHRWM, Las Vegas, USA, April 30-May 4, 2006
PDF 55 kb
The dependence of nuclear energy expansion on national and multinational progress in waste management, Dr Charles McCombie, The Nuclear Energy Financing Global Summit, Paris, France 27-28 June 2006
PDF 19 kb
Internationalising the Back-End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Charles McCombie, IBC Global Conference, London, UK, 12-14 June 2006
PDF 45 kb
The Role of Spent Fuel Storage in Multinational Approaches to the Backend of the Fuel Cycle, Neil Chapman & Charles McCombie, IAEA International Conference on Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors, Vienna, Austria 19-23 June 2006
PDF 118 kb
Role and Status of Geological Disposal, Charles McCombie, International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies, 36th Session, Erice, Italy 18-26 August 2006
PDF 59 kb
Multinational/Regional Repository – an Illusion or Solution, Irena Mele, International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2006, Portoroz, Slovenia, September 18-21, 2006
PDF 243 kb
Managing Australian Radioactive Waste in an International Environment, Kurzeme M., McCombie C., Chapman N., 15th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Sydney, Australia, 15-20 October 2006
PDF 36 kb
RWM and the Nuclear Renaissance, Charles McCombie, 15th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Sydney, Australia, 15-20 October 2006
PDF 53 kb
Reports 2006
Ensuring Security of Supply in the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle-WNA Report
PDF 237 kb
2005 Publications back to top
The importance for Bulgaria of Multilateral Approaches to the Back-end
of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Bulatom '05 Conference, Bulgaria, Varna,
15-18 June, 2005
112 kb
Overview of National Laws in Relation to a Regional Repository: Legal
and other Non-technical Aspects of Multinational Repositories, IAEA
Joint US/Russian Workshop, 1-2 June 2005, Vienna
PDF 82
The Importance of Storage and Disposal in Multinational Approaches
to the Fuel Cycle, Rosatom-IAEA Conference, Moscow, 13-15 July 2005
PDF 53
Global Perspectives on High-Level Waste Management, Nuclear Power
Asia Pacific, Hong-Kong, 12-15 July 2005
PDF 27 kb
Developments in Multinational Disposal Initiatives, ICEM05, Glasgow,
Scotland, 4-8 September 2005
PDF 47kb
SAPIERR Project: Pilot Initiative for European Regional Repositories
- Interim Results, ICEM05, Glasgow, Scotland, 4-8 September 2005
PDF 58
SAPIERR - Idea of European Regional Repositories is Taking Shape,
IAEA, Tokyo, Japan, September 2005
45 kb
SAPIERR-1-Final Report D7 PDF 557 kb
Multi-National Repositories: Ethical, Legal and Political/Public Aspects,
Nuclear Inter Jura 2005, Portoroz, Slovenia October 9-14, 2005
PDF 237 kb
Multinational repositories for radioactive wastes: one component of
a dual track waste management strategy, ENRESA House Journal, Estratos,
37 kb
National Laws in Relation to Regional Repositories, Safety Barrier
Magazine, Russia No 3-4' 2005
PDF 591 kb
What will it take to develop an international repository in Russia?,
Safety Barrier Magazine, Russia No 3-4' 2005
PDF 233 kb
2004 Publications back to top
Multinational Facilities: A Bottom-Up Approach
WM'04 Conference - 29 February - 4 March 2004, Tucson, Arizona
41 kb
Paves The Way Towards European Regional Repository
5th International Conference on Nuclear Option in Countries with Small
and Medium Electricity Grids, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 16-20, 2004.
46 kb
Do shared
repositories represent unethical "nuclear dumping"?
Article in Nuclear Engineering International, May 2004
PDF 51 kb
of an international repository for radioactive waste: Political and legal
aspects of international repositories
10. AIDN/INLA-Regionaltagung der Deutschen Landesgruppe 2. und 3. September
181 kb
Fuel Cycle Centres - an Old and New Idea
2004 Annual Symposium of the World Nuclear Association, 8-10 Sept. 2004
81 kb
of Radioactive Waste (WP1, Deliverable 1) and
Technical Report on Legal Aspects (WP 1, Deliverable D2)
SAPIERR: Support Action: Pilot Initiative for European Regional Repositories,
Project co-funded by the European Commission under the Euratom Research
and Training Programme on Nuclear Energy within the Sixth Framework Programme
and supported by the Swiss Federal Office for Education and Science
- Developing multinational radioactive waste repositories: Infrastructural
framework and scenarios of cooperation. (October 2004)
524 kb
2003 Publications back to top
and International Solutions for Long-Lived Radioactive Waste Disposal:
the ARIUS initiative
10th International IHLRWM conference in Las Vegas,
Nevada, March 30 - April 3, 2003: Regional and International Solutions
for Long-Lived Radioactive Waste Disposal: the ARIUS initiative
28 kb
with Multnational Storage and Disposal Concepts
ICEM '03: The 9th international conference on Radioactive Waste Management
and Environmental Remediation, September 21-25, 2003, Examination School,
Oxford, England
53 kb
safey and security in a sharing society, Nuclear Engineering International
/ 2003
17 kb
Interest in the Safety, Security and Economic Aspects of Multinational
Repositories, The Nuclear Engineer / Vol 44, No. 6, November/December
27 kb
2002 Publications back to top
Towards International Repositories
WM'02 Coference, 24-28 February 2002, Tucson, AZ, USA
78 kb
And International Repositories: Not If, But How and When
WNA Symposium, 5-7 September 2002, London, UK
149 kb